It’s easy to create a brand but it’s difficult to nurture it. Its rather extremely challenging in today’s fast paced digital age. Businesses are proactively managing the online reputation. However, in some scenarios, unconsciously we tend to commit few online reputation management mistakes that cost us our brand.
As your brand visions to bring smile on consumer’s face, we here, have your back to guide you on few online reputation management mistakes that you need to make notes of and avoid.
1. Responding to negative reviews angrily
As much as you like positive reviews on review sites, businesses admit that they lose the momentum of sustaining a brand due to negative reviews. It is understandable that we all get hurt due to bad reviews. However, every situation has a silver lining and it depends on how we vision it. Rather than concentrating on bad reviews or aggressively responding or ignoring the negative reviews, it’s better to bend your thoughts and wisely respond to these. It has been researched that about 53% of consumers want businesses to reply to their reviews as it builds trust between the brand and customer.
2. Gaining ratings based on fake reviews
Faking positive online reputation is the worst mistake you can commit. It can tarnish your reputation with a blink of an eye. various review sites have strong algorithm to check for fake postings. They remove them immediately with no loss to them, but this act can cost you customer’s trust in your brand. Instead, handling online reputation with right reputation management strategies will yield fruitful results. Invest your time, money and effort in strategies that train your team in gathering valuable reviews.
3. Use of automated replies
Another important online reputation management mistake to avoid is to use automated replies or chatbots. Customer’s are often disappointed with designed responses that baffles them and makes them loose interest in your brand. Customers love when emotions are attached with the messages. One sure thing to note down is with the digital age emotions have taken a back seat. With your brand try give them all ears and make them feel wanted.
4. Neglecting competitors progress
Last but not the least is neglecting competitors progress. With this are attached various advantages. Firstly, you can track where the market is heading. Secondly, you can monitor their strategies on various social media networking sites. Learn about their branding material and gain valuable insights.
These online reputation management mistakes might seem little but they can have huge impacts on your business. Having said that, its always better to keep track of where your business is heading and learn fast from the mistakes.