Big Content Strategy
Big Content: What Is It And How Can It Boost Traffic To Your Website?
The web is swamped with blogs, videos, and information on almost every topic imaginable. Whether it’s e-commerce, felt crafting tips, or a curated list of life hacks, there’s little space left for new brands to fill. With that considered, how can a business grow and stake a claim in the vast multimedia platforms available? That’s what Big Content makes possible.
What’s Special About Big Content?
It tends to be an expansive piece of content, such as an ebook or a deep dive into a subject. That‘s then divided into still substantial small posts focused on specific topics within the subject, encouraging consumer retention and boosting website traffic. Having this content shareable via social media is useful; it encourages readers to send it to friends or post it to their profiles, which is an easy way to garner more traffic.
“Big Content is a single, versatile format that can be applied to a number of topics that adhere to simple principles. It could have a purpose, to inform or educate, and it should be interesting, to engage a reader. Without these, your content will fail,” says Harrison Lee, a content marketer at Essay Services and Revieweal.
Getting Started With Big Content Strategy
With the benefits, Big Content can bring to your website. It’s a serious consideration for any website trying to gain a hold on the internet today. But how can you create intriguing, riveting articles in a Big Content Strategy format? Here, we’ll discuss the steps to getting started in creating long-form content. That draws the reader in and encourages reader retention, all while boosting site traffic.
#1 – Choose Your Core
The first thing to do is find your topic. Each piece of content related to the core can be a niche. But the initial idea at the center should be substantial enough to have parts carved off and dissected with greater scrutiny.
#2 Have Benchmark Goals
Make sure you have an idea of how long your project should take and what you want to achieve in a given timeframe. This can be done in many ways but in any instance SMART goals (Sensible, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) are usually the most effective.
#3 – Budget Wisely
Make sure you have the funds and time to achieve your goals. Will it affect the time you can put into other content and by extension, your earnings? Do you intend to hire someone to manage uploads, and produce all the content or only some of it? What is the cost of having a blog or channel on your chosen platform? You need to consider all of these before finalizing your plan.
#4 – Plan Your Launch
How are you going to distribute links to your content? Choose a dedicated online campaign, or a tagline in every other post linking to your content. Even pop-ups on entry to your website can bring in fresh eyes and new readers who weren’t aware of the subject previously.
# 5 – Create Additional Content Yourself
With a team making your main content, take time to produce slices of additional videos, posts, or infographics. By the time the Big Content is complete, you should have a compendium of supplementary works. That can be uploaded alongside the main content and boost site traffic.
#6 – Mistakes Are Inevitable. Learn From Them
Did you receive complaints about pop-ups and intrusive taglines on unrelated content? Was the marketing campaign a waste of time and money? You’re unlikely to get it right the first time. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trying.
“If consumers didn’t like your advertising methods, meet with your marketing team. Discuss what was wrong and how it can be improved, without getting hung up on a single failure,” says Mattias Woodward, a digital marketing blogger at UKWritings and Eliteassignmenthelp.
Examples of Big Content
Just Park’s emergency stop game
Shareable and providing quantifiable scores (reaction time based “age”) drove consumers to share and compare scores. Some links got a few thousand clicks.
Go Compare – Director’s Cut
A fun database of data paired to Go Compare, a compilation site for an array of utility costs. Why not find out which move sheds the most blood on-screen too?
Expedia Norway: Virtual Flam
Explore the vast expanses of nature in Norway from the comfort of your home, then book an excursion there through Expedia, of course!
Big Content Strategy is an integral part of website traffic today, especially with the visual medium being so pivotal online. It’s effective, intriguing, and draws in potential consumers, which means it’s here to stay.
Lauren Groff is a professional writer at Nursing Essay and Coursework Writing. She writes about content management. Also, she is a copywriter at Writing Populist.