Celebrate Health & Scale Your Practice

eEndorements for doctors & healthcare businesses. You take care of your patients, we take care of your growth.

Get Started in 30-Minutes


Set a Rhythm for Success

Publish endorsements, generate new appointments, send invoices, get paid digitally, collect dues, give out offers & generate more endorsements on autopilot.


Get a Profile Page. Rank on Google. Fetch More Appointments.

Generate eEndorsements profile pages for your doctors & locations.

  • Enhance your Google Ranking
  • Online Appointment Scheduling/ Reminders
  • Online Payment Acceptance
  • SMS Notifications and Marketing
  • Showcase your Patient Reviews
Rank High on Search

Capture & Share Patient
Endorsements Automatically

Let Your Patients Share Endorsements on Video

Some patients love your care & treatment. Be it a successful surgery, the right diagnosis, therapy, remedy, or a prescription, when they regain health, they want to express their gratitude and joy.  

Capture their feelings and experiences with a video endorsement. Their true and honest stories will inspire audiences on social media.

eEndorsements Healthcare Video endorsements
eEndorsements Increases Review Count

Get a Continuous Stream of Reviews and Ratings for Doctors & Centers

Improve your Google Review count & Ratings with eEndorsements. Are you also listed on ZocDoc, WebMD, Vitals, or other listing sites? Spread your star ratings and reviews on these sites too. Get a consistent presence across the web.

It takes 30 minutes to set endorsements on autopilot.

Boost Your Business
Right on Time

Double Down on Success with Custom Offers & Promotions

Patients experience your services differently – a welcoming reception, long waiting time, great treatment, missed appointments, pending follow-ups, or upcoming check-ups. eEndorsements helps turn these situations into bigger opportunities using custom offers.

You can even launch just-in-time promotional offers for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

eEndorsements Healthcare Offers and Promotions

The Growth Diagnostics

Monitor growth with eEndorsements dashboard. It gives you a snapshot view of,

Customers’ POV – How do your customers perceive you? Is the sentiment mostly positive?

Success Performance – How many endorsements did you get last month? How many converted into appointments?

Business Trends – Which months are typically slow, and which are busy?

Have you decided? Want to give us a try?