Billion Dollar bully, the investigative documentary on Yelp by Prost productions highlights the grave issue of cyber bullying of customer’s reviews by Yelp. The documentary also confirms Yelp’s CEO manipulating the reviews. It is not a new phenomenon that the world is unknown to. Infact, the present scenarios have indicated various online reviewing organizations and the extend to scare people by manipulating customer reviews and extorting them. Are you prey of such illegitimate reviewing websites and still abiding by them? Let’s find out how it affects you and your business-

Mentally Stuck– Such acts of cyber bullying can create havoc in the life of an individual. This not only affects the business and its process but is also responsible for unstable mental states. Cyber bullying diverts the concentration from monitoring the business’s growth to worrying about any unauthorized, false or defamatory reviews on Yelp.

Fear of replying or not replying at all– You have received a negative review and probably unsure of what, how and when to reply. Such situations are often faced by businesses and they deprioritize replying thinking it would wash off from the minds of customers and thus vanish. But reviewing companies take advantage of such review comments and manipulate you to shell money out. Thus, businesses land in a state of constant fear.

Loss of credibilityThe reviews are responsible for attracting potential customer and not repelling them. Fake reviews or manipulated reviews are easily caught by customers which costs you your reputation. A company loses its credibility and trust. It can lead to huge financial loses and sometimes even derails the businesses off the tracks. The above example of Yelp showcases how world is aware of Yelp’s notorious moves in filtering the online reviews. The consumer is well known to the kind of damages Yelp does by asking for ransom just to pitch positive reviews about a business.

If you can relate to the above mentioned situations and looking for solutions, this article talks about one such online reputation management software- eEndoresements to help mitigate the anxiety and protect ourselves from such lethal events.

Switching towards optimistic tools for ORM

The good news is that it is possible to evade such situations with software like eEndorsement in the market. eEndoresement lets you do a hassle-free business, without worrying about your online reputation and its management. It lets you work with ease while dealing with ransom related scare on online reviews. A complete package that takes off your worries and fears by solving issues from replying the nasty comments, converting into constructive criticism, respond quickly and empathetically, control corporate branding, consolidate reviews at any level, and to increase your revenue as well. This makes life easier for business and organization to maintain their online reputation.

It is very important to stay abreast with latest technology yet be wary of the illegal events in and around the world. eEndorsement believes in making a brand as it takes a lifetime to build it and seconds to shatter the same because its fast, easy reputation management for business

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