Tips for more effective testimonials- Testimonials from customers are so persuasive because they come from people who have used your product and not from you or your salespeople. An effective testimonial is worth its weight in gold because it has started the important process of establishing your credibility and instilling trust in your prospect. It also has tremendous value as part of your sales and marketing efforts. You may have beautiful advertisements or brochures, but testimonials are the surest way to demonstrate that your product or service delivers on its promise.
Unfortunately, not all testimonials are created equal. The most effective testimonials are sincere, relatable and specific. Potential customers are jaded when it comes to reviews, sprinkling your website with vague praise from random people are not going to convince them. Here are three tips for more effective testimonials to help you create effective testimonials:
1. Include Photos
Whenever possible, include a photograph of your customer. Using their full name is great (no half-hearted initials or first names, always use a full name!) but the credibility of your testimonial increases exponentially when a person’s photo is also included. Research conducted on perceived trust revealed that photos made statements more believable. Even when the statements were false! That’s how powerful putting a name to a face can be.
2. Turn Testimonials Into Stories
Encourage your customers to elaborate about their experience. By using open-ended questions during a short “interview”, you can help your customer craft a story which will be more relatable to your audience. People are immune against most marketing tactics but will let their guard down when they become interested in the outcome. Disarm your audience by going beyond the usual, “Great product” or “Wonderful food”, by taking them on a little journey. Using a “before and after” bridge is particularly compelling because it starts with the pain and ends with the positive solution.
3. Use Testimonials That Are Relateable
The truth is that we all relate to people just like us. We usually respond more favorably towards people who reflect our beliefs and attitudes. That’s why its best to highlight customers that potential buyers can relate to. So, in order to appeal to your audience, make sure the testimonials and reviews you use are written in their language, by people just like them. One way to do this, is to have your customers tweet their review and create a “wall of tweets” where it’s clear that these are real people and not paid shills. This is different from the more structured approach in tip no. 2 about using stories, but can be very powerful since unpolished, stream of consciousness feedback feels authentic and believable.
The most important thing to consider in tips for more effective testimonials is that your goal is to curate testimonials which advance your company’s brand, establish trust and credibility, and provide social proof to your audience. There are several ways to accomplish this and leverage your testimonials for maximum impact. Whether you are using them on your social media channels, on your website, or in your written marketing materials, these tips will make your testimonials more effective.